
Welcome to the South East Community Leagues Association (SECLA) website! SECLA is an area council consisting of eleven community leagues in central south east Edmonton ~ Avonmore, Capilano, Cloverdale, Forest/Terrace Heights, Fulton Place, Gold Bar, Holyrood, Idylwylde, Kenilworth, Ottewell and Strathearn. We are a not for profit organization registered under the Societies Act of Alberta. 

As an area council we provide support to our member community leagues and residents thereof, and strengthen community networks by providing a forum for collaboration, discussion and the sharing of information. 

SECLA provides funding for the Southeast Voice community newspaper (produced by Calder Publications): http://communityleaguenews.com/newsletters/southeast-voice.html

Events Calendar

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Blanket exercise
Saturday 10 February 2018, 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Forest Terrace Heights community league invites the community to gather for a Blanket Exercise to learn about Canada’s colonial history and the enduring resilience of the Indigenous peoples on whose land we live.

Participants stand on blankets that represent the land and walk through Canada’s history from an Indigenous perspective. The exercise engages critically and emotionally with our shared history, encouraging empathy and understanding. The exercise will end with conversation and contemplation. 

This blanket exercise will be led by a team of facilitators from the Musée Heritage Museum, St. Albert, and Michif Cultural Connections. This exercise is intended for adults or teens aged 15 or older.  Learn more about the history and purpose of Blanket Exercises by visiting the Kairos Canada https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/

This free event requires a minimum of 22 participants to take place, and has a maximum of 30. Please note that this program requires a minimum commitment of 2-3 hours. 

To register https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/blanket-exercise-learning-indigenous-rights-history-tickets-41301586156

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/166881374084273/

Location Forest Terrace Heights community hall 10150 80 St Edmonton